The Carbon Positive Australia program

Carbon Positivr Australia
The Carbon Positive Australia program is dedicated to helping individuals, businesses, and communities take climate action through tree planting and land restoration projects. Here’s what the program involves:

  • Native Tree Planting Projects: They develop biodiverse tree-planting projects across Australia, focusing on areas like the Southwest & Wheatbelt WA and the Big Scrub region in Northern NSW.
  • Ecosystem Restoration: The program plants native trees on cleared and degraded land to restore ecosystems, connect landscapes, and provide habitats for wildlife.
  • Community Involvement: Carbon Positive Australia supports community groups to plant trees locally, fostering community-led climate action.
  • Urban Greening: They also focus on urban areas, planting trees to combat the urban heat island effect and improve community health and well-being.
  • Support for Landholders: The program works with landholders who want to restore their land through native tree planting.
  • Educational Outreach: They promote the importance of tree planting for environmental health and engage with schools and communities to establish ‘Miyawaki’ pocket forests.

Additionally, the organisation is a Deductible Gift Recipient, so donations and offsets are tax-deductible in Australia. They emphasise hands-on involvement in restoration rather than just funding, ensuring a direct impact on the environment.